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The First Glimpse: My Initial Meditation Visuals

When I began meditating back in August 2024, my initial sessions were quite modest: just five minutes each day. Honestly, I didn’t have grand expectations—my only intention was to find moments of peace amid everyday chaos.

Being deaf actually made quieting my mind somewhat easier, as I had no external sounds to distract me. Ironically, the challenge became visual distraction. Even with closed curtains, a faint amount of daylight still seeped into the room, and with eyes closed, I could sense flickers of external brightness through my eyelids. To solve this, I started gently covering my eyes with a thin, soft towel, creating complete darkness. This small adjustment became a significant step forward in my meditation practice.

In October 2024, just a few months into my daily meditation routine, something truly unexpected occurred. About five minutes into meditation one evening, I completely lost awareness of my physical body—as if I no longer had one. Within that profound state of calmness, I suddenly sensed a subtle yet distinct shift within my head, gently pulling me backward. Then I clearly saw a tunnel forming, moving slowly and gently yet with an undeniable intensity. It was a deeply immersive vision, quietly unfolding in soft shades of gray and black.

The visuals in this video (or image) are similar to what I experienced during my meditation, but not exactly the same. My actual experience was slower, gentler, darker, and less bright. Because inner meditation visuals can be subtle and ultimately difficult to describe precisely, I’m sharing this only to give you a general idea of the sensation and visual effect I encountered.

Naturally, my heart raced. Having never experienced anything remotely like this, I quickly ended my meditation session, feeling both fascinated and cautious.

Determined, I returned the next day and repeated my routine. This time, I allowed myself to relax fully, surrendering to the gentle yet powerful sensation and visual experience. When my heart began to race, I took deep breaths, calming myself slowly, session by session, until it became familiar.

This visual captures the essence of the soft, electric-like visuals I experienced—slowly crackling, fluidly and organically moving during my meditation. It’s not an exact representation, but intended simply to provide a sense of what I observed.

After a few more days, another remarkable shift happened. Following the gentle tunnel experience, subtle yet vivid colors appeared for the first time—soft, electric-like flows in shades of gray, black, white, and blue, interwoven with vibrant neon-green and muted orange-red. These visuals resembled nebula clouds gently drifting and flowing within an infinite internal space.

Again, my heart raced at the newness of it all. Feeling uncertain, I ended my meditation prematurely once more. However, with patience and consistent practice, I gradually became comfortable, learning to gently embrace these inner visuals.

When I shared this experience with my partner, he was genuinely surprised. Coming from Myanmar, meditation is culturally common there—his mother and virtually everyone he knows meditates daily. He expressed amazement at how quickly my meditation practice had evolved within just a few short months, compared to many who meditate diligently for years without similar experiences.

Reflecting now, those first visuals marked the genuine start of my deeper journey. They showed me meditation isn’t merely relaxation—it’s a doorway into profound inner worlds waiting patiently for exploration.

If you’re at the start of your own meditation journey, encountering unexpected sensations or visuals, it’s entirely normal to feel surprised or even skeptical initially. My gentle advice is not to chase these experiences or visions. Instead, remain patient, curious, and open-hearted, allowing your unique journey to unfold naturally, at its own gentle pace.

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